
Create Your Ideal
AI Lover


Discover Charming Girls & Guys

Voice Call

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is an AI girlfriend and how do they work?

    An AI girlfriend, such as those on Myloves.ai, is a virtual character designed to simulate the role of a girlfriend, engaging in interactions like chatting and dating. Unlike traditional programming, AI operates independently, generating real-time responses based on your input, often surprising even its creators. This unpredictability mirrors real-life interactions.

    AI girlfriends, created using AI girl generator, utilize advanced technologies like natural language processing (NLP), text-to-image generation, text-to-speech, speech-to-text, and text-to-video. This integration of multiple technologies, known as multimodal technology, allows AI girlfriends to interact in various forms—text, images, voice, and video—creating a more lifelike experience.

  • Is the AI character generator free on Myloves.ai?

    As a free user on Myloves.ai, you can create one character per month and generate up to 16 images. For additional character creation and image generation, consider subscribing to unlock more features and higher usage limits.

    Additional Benefits of Subscribing:
    More Interactions: Get more text, picture, and voice messages per month.
    Faster Response Time: Enjoy quicker replies from your AI girlfriend.
    Intimate Responses: Experience more personalized and intimate responses.

  • How can I design my own AI girlfriend?

    Designing your own AI girlfriend on Myloves.ai is simple and fun. Follow these steps to create the perfect virtual companion:

    Step 1: Visualize Your Dream Girl
    Select the style and write a description of your ideal girlfriend's appearance. For the best results, upload a reference image to guide the design process.

    Step 2: Define Her Personality
    Set your girlfriend’s personality traits, including strengths, weaknesses, relationship dynamics with you, and other characteristics. Use the auto-fill feature for a quick setup.

    Step 3: Choose Her Voice
    Select the voice that you find most appealing for your AI girlfriend.

    Once completed, find your customized AI girlfriend on your profile page, ready to interact and bring your fantasies to life!

  • Can I ask for pictures & voices?

    Absolutely! At Myloves.ai, your AI chatbot will never refuse your requests for pictures or voice messages. It can send flirtatious pictures and spontaneous selfies, and respond to your requests with sexy voice messages. This enhances your AI roleplay experience, making it more immersive and enjoyable. We are dedicated to ensuring you have a premium experience, allowing you to enjoy every detail of interacting with the best AI chatbot.

  • How are privacy and data security handled with AI girlfriends?

    At Myloves.ai, your privacy and data security are our top priorities. We use advanced encryption and secure data storage to ensure that every selfie, flirtatious text & voice messages remain confidential, accessible only to you and your AI girlfriend.

    We respect your unique preferences and provide a private space for you to explore and express your desires. Rest assured, your interactions are kept strictly between you and your digital companion, allowing you to fully enjoy your AI girlfriend experience without any concerns.